
Who doesn’t love smoked salmon on a nice fluffy blini, the problem is the ones you buy in the supermarket are pale and bland! These are brilliant, versatile and tasty, you can make any size you like (canapé or starter) and they freeze well too, so you can take them out the freezer, pop them in the oven to freshen up and away you go!

  • 28g x Dried yeast
  • 250ml x warmed milk – just warm! Ideally 32/35c
  • 80g x Plain flour
  • 100g x Buckwheat flour/Wholemeal flour
  • 2 x Eggs – separated.
  • S&p

Mix the yeast with the warm milk and leave to awaken the yeast for 5 mins.

Then whisk the yeast/milk mixture to the plain flour, clingfilm and leave in a warm place for about 30 mins.

Whisk in the yolks then add the buckwheat flour (buckwheat flour adds an amazing elasticity and flavour), seson, then clingfilm and leave in a warm place for another 45 mins.

Lastly whisk the egg whites until fluffy and fold into the mix.

Warm a frying pan over a low/medium heat. Grease the bottom of the pan with a small amount of butter (just to stop them sticking, we’re not deep frying here!) and add desired amount, let them colour and set before flipping over and repeating the process, they should be just dry to the touch and a nice golden colour.

(cheffy tip – I add the mix to either a disposable piping bag so I can decide how large the opening is or, add to a squeezy bottle which gives you much more control and a better more consistent shape)


28g x Dried yeast

250ml x warmed milk – just warm! Ideally 32/35c

80g x Plain flour

100g x Buckwheat flour/Wholemeal flour

2 x Eggs – separated.